Brain Juice

Access to the Faculty of Medicine and Dental Care, Veterinary and Health Professions is not easy. Passion, ambition and, above all, the right preparation are needed in order to deal with the feared admission test.

Preparatory course for the entry tests of Medicine, Health and Veterinary Professions for VCO students

What is Brain juice and what do we propose?

Brain Juice is a preparatory course open to all students, including boys and girls from third grade in High School who wish to start preparing for the following year’s TOLCs, arriving with sound preparation, and, of course, for the fourth and fifth grade students who can already address the TOLCs of the two sessions, winter and spring, with great probabilities of success.

The novelty of this new Brain Juice edition is also in the fact of opening up the course to young people who have already finished their superiors who wish to attend one of these faculties.

The course proposes a scientific study method, which is more up-to-date and suitable for entering into the university system. Teens will learn the most modern mnemotechnics and will be able to refine their understanding skills, with the scope of long-term retention of concepts.

How is the course organised?

The course runs over a long period, from 13th of January to 1st of June, every Saturdays morning (excluding holidays), during which the different subjects of the tests will be treated. Regarding content, we propose a comprehensive course based on the ministerial programme, starting from the bases of chemistry, continuing with biology, leading to the essential elements of anatomy and physiology of the human body, which are relevant for the medical test – combined with the necessary concepts of logic, mathematics and physics.

Why did we think of Brain juice?

The project was created with the idea of providing a valuable alternative to the other courses, qualitatively excellent, but often prohibitive in terms of cost. The course will be led by a mixed team, consisting of a mathematics and physics teacher and two young medical students.

Why to choose our course?

One of the strengths of the course lies in the collaboration between experienced teachers and peer educators in order to make the training path more complete. For the second time, the course proposed by the Foundation provides an opportunity to be accompanied by slightly larger students who have already made the same experience, which allows aspiring university students to interact more closely with tutors and learn not only easier but also faster. Having alongside, throughout the course, someone who has already delt with a similar path is undoubtedly an added value: this is a reassuring and inspiring example that allows youths to feel more comfortable.

Where will the course take place?

The lessons will be held in the conference room of the Sant’Anna Hotel in Verbania (Viale Sant’Anna 65).

How much does it cost?

The cost is EUR 250.

How many students can participate?

Minimum 4 students, maximum 25 students