Summary of the training and management course on:

Myocarditis: an interface between cardiology and internal medicine, from molecular biology to treatment.

Directorate of the Course: Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta
Course coordination:
Prof. Giuseppe Riggio
Educational coordination: Dr Rosario Russo
in collaboration with: Dr Dinko Anzulovic
Administrative coordination: Dr Romano Malavasi
Interactive teaching methodology: Patient oriented medicine
Drafting Committee:
Elaboration and drafting of the acts by the Dr Elisa Mazzotti*
Prof. Eros Barantani** cooperated
Sponsors: Order of veterinary surgeons – ASL 14 of V.C.O
* Specialist of School of Cardiology – University of Padua ** Primary of Endocrinology – Italian Auxological Centre in Piancavallo (VB)(VB)
Myocarditis: an interface between cardiology and internal medicine, from molecular biology to treatment.