Brain Juice

Access to the Faculty of Medicine and Dental Care, Veterinary and Health Professions is not easy. Passion, ambition and, above all, the right preparation to cope with the feared admission test is needed.

Preparatory course for the entry tests of Medicine, Health and Veterinary Professions for VCO students

This year again the Tonolli Foundation organises for young VCO students the preparatory course for the admission test to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Professions, here the details:

– the course is scheduled to take place in person, subject to restrictions on orders for covid, if it is not possible to use an online platform to ensure remote operation.
location: Liceo B.Cavalieri di Verbania, Via Madonna di Campagna,18
period: from 9 th to 27 th August 2021, divided into 3 hours per day (15 hours per week – 45 TOTAL)
– 3 hours are scheduled for the simulation of the test and its correction
subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, logic and mathematics
cost: EUR 120,00
method of payment: Bank transfer to the Tonolli Foundation, Banca Intesa San Paolo
IBAN: IT95 W030 6909 6061 0000 0154 154
– to ensure the safety distance this year, the course will be closed with a maximum of 25 participants.
– for pre-registration, please fill in the form below.
– registration will be considered to be effective after receipt of the copy of the payment to be sent to with the following subject: payment enrolment course in the preparation of admission tests to the Faculty of Medicine 2021, followed by the name and surname of the participant.

For any kind of support or information, please contact the Foundation always via the above-mentioned email, leaving, if you wish to be recontacted, your name and telephone number.

Thank you for your cooperation
The Secretariat