Tonolli Foundation, culture and multidisciplinary science

The Foundation of Culture for Cardiology and Multidisciplinary Sciences Livia and Vittorio Tonolli was born in 1983 as an initiative of Livia Tonolli, a scientist and a beneficiary of Verbania. Three key points around which the idea of creating a Foundation could make a key contribution to medicine and beyond.

Scientific collaboration

Developing scientific collaborations both in Italy and abroad

Promotion and growth

Award scholarships to promote cultural development

Pedagogy and research

Adopt a new method of medical pedagogy with specialist support


The Livia and Vittorio Tonolli Foundation

The Livia and Vittorio Tonolli Foundation The Foundation of Culture for the Cardiology and Multidisciplinary Sciences Livia and Vittorio Tonolli was born in 1983 for the tour of Livia Tonolli, a scientist and a beneficiary of Verbania, with the aim of making a fundamental contribution to medicine and beyond.
    • Health education

      Truth and illusions in cancer care today. Prevention and treatment guidelines
      Prof. Umberto Veronesi
      Milan Verbania Pallanza, May 1983

    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Secondary prevention after myocardial infarction
      Prof. Umberto Veronesi, Milan
      Verbania Pallanza, October 1986

      Director of the course: S. Dalla Volta Educational Coordination : L. Greco, R. Russo Scientific Coordination: G. Riggio the treatment of internationally shared ischaemic heart disease

    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Function of the myocardium: with regard to the clinic, the instrument
      Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta, Padova
      Verbania Pallanza, May 1988

      TEACHERS: (in alphabetical order) G. Ambrosio, Institute of Cardiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, University – Naples G. Binetti, Institute of Cardiology, University – Padua A. Cavalli, Cardiology Division, Hospital – Magenta (MI) S. Dalla Volta, Director of Cardiology, University – Padua A. Gaspardone, Institute of Cardiosurgery, University – Rome L. Gondoni, Cardiology Service, Hospital – Verbania C. Rapezzi, Institute of Cardiology, University – Bologna R. Razzolini, Institute of Cardiology, University – Padova R. Russo, Institute of Cardiology, University – Padova R. Scognamiglio, Institute of Cardiology, University – Padova R. Sinatra, Institute of Cardiosurgery, University – Rome

    • Conference

      Function of the myocardium: with regard to the clinic, regarding the instrument
      Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta, Padova

    • Interactive national training and refresher course

      Myocardial metabolism: ischaemic heart disease

      Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta, Padua Verbania Pallanza, May 1989

      Director of the course: S. Dalla Volta Educational Coordination: R. Russo Scientific Coordination: G. Riggio

      TEACHERS: : (in alphabetical order) ) G. Boffa, Institute of Cardiology, University – Padova P. Camici, Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del C.N.R. – Pisa G. De Gaetano, Dir. Centro. CRP. Pharmacological and Biomedic ‘Mario Negri’ – Santa Maria Imbaro (CH) E. Ferrarini, Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del C.N.R. – Pisa B. Marino, Director of Cardiosurgery, University – Rome P. Marzullo, Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del C.N.R. – Pisa R. Russo, Institute of Cardiology, University – Padua

    • Conference

      Biocemical and electrophysiological mechanisms of arrhythogenesis

      Prof. L.H. Opie (Cape Town – Sud Africa)

    • Conference

      Valve disease and pregnancy

      Professor Celia Oakley, London


    • Conference

      Prosthetic valve endocardits

      Dr. Adolf W. Karchmer, Boston 


    • Practical theoretical seminar

      Clinical electrophysiology

      Dr Paolo Alboni, Ms Nelly Papparella, Cento (FE)

      Verbania Pallanza, April 1992

    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Aneurisma and dissection of the aorta
      PProf. Sergio Dalla Volta, Padova
      Verbania Pallanza, May 1988
      10 years of activity by the Foundation

      Director of the course: S. Dalla Volta Educational Coordination: F. Enia, R. Marcolongo, C. Rapezzi, R. Russo Scientific Coordination: G. Riggio

    • Conference

      Importance of culture in modern society
      Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta, Padua
      New teaching/learning methods: contribution from the Tonolli Foundation
      Prof. Gaetano Salvatore, Naples
      Meaning and value of cultural institutions
      Prof. Benedetto Marino, Rome
      Information on medicines: present and future
      Prof. Silvio Garattini, Milan

    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Long-term valvolving prostheses
      Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta, Padua
      Verbania Pallanza, May 1995

    • Conference

      Left ventricular function and replacement with valvolar prostheses
      Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta, Padua

    • Conference

      Principes de la comunication pédagogique et de l’apprentissage dans la formation initiale et continue des médecins
      Prof. Jean François d’Ivernois, Paris


    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Heart failure from 1950 to 2000
      Verbania Pallanza, May 1997

      Course Directorate: S. Dalla Volta Educational Coordination: C. Rapezzi, R. Russo Scientific Coordination scientific: G. Riggio

    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Course Directorate: S. Dalla Volta Educational Coordination: C. Rapezzi, R. Russo Scientific Coordination: G. Riggio

    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Cardiologist and the diabetic patient

      Verbania Pallanza, May 2002

      Course Directorate: S. Dalla Volta Educational Coordination: C. Rapezzi, R. Russo Russo Scientific Coordination: G. Riggio

    • Conference:

      PCardiological protection for diabetic patients. Today and in the future
      Prof. Peter Sleight, Oxford
      Public and private: the pharmaceutical model
      Prof. Silvio Garattini, Milan

      Verbania Pallanza, November 2002

    • Interactive national training and refresher course

      Chronic heart failure in 2005

      Verbania Pallanza, April 2005

      Course Directorate: S. Dalla Volta Coordination: C. Rapezzi, R. Russo Collaboration to teaching: D. Anzulovic Scientific coordination: G. Riggio, E. Barantani

    • Conference:

      Homo Patiens: the announced suffering
      Prof. Vittorio Possenti, Milan
      With the heart in Thailand
      The project is followed by Dr Nara Kingaew.

    • Interactive national training and refresh course

      Myocarditis: at the interface between cardiology and internal medicine, from molecular biology to therapy

      Verbania Pallanza, May 2006 Course Directorate: S. Dalla Volta Educational Coordination: R. Russo Collaboration on educational coordination: D. Anzulovic Scientific coordination: G. Riggio, E. Barantani
    • Conferences

      Woman and heart

      Verbania Pallanza, February 2009
      Woman and heart between art and science
      Prof. Giulio Girello, Milan
      Prof. Simona Morini, Venice
      Verbania Pallanza, February 2009
      of the ill person, Doctors responsabilities
      of information and training
      Prof. Silvio Garattini, Milan
      Prof. Egidio 
      Moja, Milan

    • Postgraduate further training course

      Week 1 – Padua 24-29 January
      Week 2 – Padua 25-26 March 2011
      Week 3 – Milan (Mario Negri) 23 May 2011
      Week 4 – Verbania 24 and 25 May (Prof d’Ivernois) and 26-27-28 May 2011

    • ECM

      Extreme cardiology treatments – ECM
      Verbania, 26 – 27 – 28  May 2011

    • Seminar

      Cardiovascular prevention today – ECM – ECM
      in cooperation with the Tonolli Foundation
      Verbania, Il Chiostrum – 12 May 2012

    • Seminar

      Heart disease – ECM
      (Dr. C. Rapezzi in collaboration with the Tonolli Foundation)
      Bologna, 1 March 2013

    • Seminar

      Errors in medicine: heart failure – ECM
      (Dr. GF Sinagra in collaboration with the Tonolli Foundation)
      Trieste, 13 April 2013

    • Seminar

      The condition of heart valves: new scenarios for diagnosis and treatment – ECM
      (Dr. O. Alfieri in collaboration with the Tonolli Foundation
      Milan, San Raffaele Hospital – 20 April 2013

    • Seminar

      Difficult decisions in cardiology: a clinical case approach
      (in cooperation with the Tonolli Foundation)
      Verbania, 6-8 June 2013

    • Tonolli Foundation meeting

      Prevention in youth, women and older people (Tonolli Cardiology Foundation) Verbania, Chiostrum – 24 May 2014
    • Seminar

      Atrial fibrillation and personalisation of therapy – ECM
      (Dr. O. Alfieri in collaboration with the Tonolli Foundation)
      Milan, San Raffaele Hospital – 9 May 2015

    • Seminar

      Myocarditis – ECM
      (Dr. G.F. Sinagra in collaboration with the Tonolli Foundation)
      Milan, Trieste, 14 March 2015

    • Seminar

      Towards personalised medicine Verbania, Prefecture Representation room of Verbania – 20 October 2017
    • Seminar

      The new diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of cardiology – ECM
      Verbania, Hotel Il Chiostrum – 22-23 June 2018

    • Scholarships

      Competition notice of 2 scholarships for future VCO doctors year 2018/2019 for contributions to the study for students who have finished upper secondary schools of the VCO

    • Seminar

      Complex medicine and precision medicine in elderly patient with cardiovascular disease – ECM
      (Tonolli Foundation)
      Stresa, Hotel La Palma – 1 June 2019

    • Scholarships

      Competition notice of 2 scholarships for future VCO doctors 2019/2020
      for contributions to the study for students who have finished upper secondary schools of the VCO

    • Scholarships

      Competition notice of 2 scholarships for future VCO doctors 2020/2021 for contributions to the study for students who have finished upper secondary schools of the VCO
    • Scholarships

      Competition notice of 2 scholarships for future VCO doctors 2021/2022 for contributions to the study for students who have finished upper secondary schools of the VCO
    • Seminar

      Novelty in internaal medicine. Focus on geriatry and cardiology – ECM
      (Tonolli Foundation)
      Stresa, Hotel Regina Palace – 11 June 2022

    • Scholarships

      Competition notice of 2 scholarships for future VCO doctors 2023/2024
      for contributions to the study for students who have finished upper secondary schools of the VCO

    • Brain Juice

      Preparatory course for the entry tests of Medicine, Health and Veterinary Professions for VCO students Verbania, Liceo Cavalieri
    • Brain Juice

      Preparatory course for the entry tests of Medicine, Health and Veterinary Professions for VCO students Verbania, Hotel Sant’anna
