Perfectioning course of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Padua in collaboration with the Foundation of Culture for cardiology and Multidisciplinary Sciences ‘Livia and Vittorio Tonolli’.

Training and Managment

The perfectioning courses are a process of academic in-depth study and specific updating of the disciplins’ rules. They are activated by the University of Padua (by means of a rectorial decree governing admission requirements, the procedures for running the course and the duration of the course) in order to respond both to a time of personalisation of their studies and to the needs of those already operating in the world of production and services. — Presidential Decree No 162 of 10 th March 1982 – Chapter IV-Corses of refinement. Universities may, for the purposes set out in Article 1 (c) above, initiate further training courses lasting no more than one year, even following agreements, including those provided for in the second and third paragraphs of Article 92 (9), as well as with the State, the Region and other local authorities, public bodies or private individuals, possibly using decentralised auxiliary facilities and radio and television resources. Under the Ministry of Health’s Continuous Medicine Education Programme, participants in a university course are exempted from acquiring ECM training credits for the current year. (Circular 5.3.02 of the Ministry of Health; MURST Decree No 509 of 3.11.1999). Further perfectioning courses of an annual duration, with a final examination and with a training course of less than 60 credits, thus equivalent to a total number of hours of commitment by the student of less than 1500, ensure that two points are awarded, in accordance with Article 1 of Law No 43/05, as stated in the communication from the MIUR by Circular No 1252 of 8 June 2005, by the CSAs (Centre for Administrative Services).
“The Professor of Sciences proposed to me an appropriate question for the examination: do you think there is life beyond our planet? Hesitated just a few seconds and then answered that, in my opinion, there is no life.”

Mission of the Foundation

“The Mission of the Foundation of Culture for Multidisciplinary cardiology and Sciences ‘Livia and Vittorio Tonolli’ and the Onlus Training and Management Livia and Vittorio Tonolli School Foundation, following the principles of ethics, are: training young people, without borders, in various fields of knowledge, particularly in the field of cardiology, and focusing on the not-any-more-so-young people suffering from diseases of our century that undermine health and intellectual activities, heart and mind, health and interiore life.”
Clinical training communication and management in cardiology