Dr. Massimo




    Having graduated with full marks in Economics and Commerce in 1994 from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, he is a manager of industrial companies. He completed his economic studies at the SDA Bocconi in Milan and the Europea School of Management and Technology in Berlin.

    He has held management positions at large foreign and Italian multinationals in the fields of Strategy, Brand Management, Marketing and Communication, residing abroad for over seven years.

    Specializing experiences

    Former President of the Confindustria trade association from 2009 to 2012 in Milan and Vice President of the European Confindustria federation in Brussels.

    He has been a speaker and invited speaker for Marketing and post-university courses at the Cà Foscari University of Venice and the business administration school of the Sole 24 Ore in Milan.

    He has participated as a speaker in conferences and television broadcasts on CNBC news on economic and marketing topics.

    He was a member of the board of the Tonolli Foundation non-profit organization.